Founder and Mentor

Sanjay Seth

Mr. Sanjay Seth

Founder and Mentor

Mr. Sanjay Seth's visionary stewardship, in his dual role as founder and mentor, stands as the bedrock of Shalimar Corp. Limited's illustrious journey. Through unwavering dedication and peerless insight, he has steered the company towards unprecedented expansion and prosperity. His mentorship not only fosters talent but also fosters a milieu of excellence, motivating individuals to strive for pinnacle accomplishments. As a progenitor of enduring triumph, Sanjay Seth's legacy will persist in shaping the trajectory of Shalimar Corp. Limited well into the future, imprinting an ineffaceable legacy upon the industry and beyond.

His Contributions

Mr. Seth is a prominent figure in both sports and real estate, having served in key leadership roles such as Co-Vice President of the Uttar Pradesh Olympic Association, Vice-President of the Uttar Pradesh Badminton Association, and President of CREDAI Uttar Pradesh. Beyond his professional endeavors, he is deeply committed to philanthropy, actively supporting various charitable institutions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Seth extended a helping hand by providing essential supplies like food, medicines, and ventilators to those affected, demonstrating his dedication to the welfare of society.